Why are My Relationships Such a Hot Mess? (VIDEO)

Why are My Relationships Such a Hot Mess? (VIDEO)

Does every area of your life seem to be working, but your love life is a hot mess? https://youtube.com/shorts/W-L_T5cg7kQ Frequently I find that my coaching clients have a great circle of friends, they are high performers in their chosen careers, but their love life...
Relationships are containers for transformation

Relationships are containers for transformation

Relationships are containers where unmet needs, joys, fears, hopes, and desires are experienced. 🧩 Relationships are where we are at our best, like, when we realize that we are better together as a partnership than alone… 🧩 And our worst, like, when...
Triggers are a part of healthy relationships, say what?!?

Triggers are a part of healthy relationships, say what?!?

When we are in relationships, we are going to be triggered. Full stop. 🛑 It sucks, but triggers are a part of healthy relationships. Eww. So, rude. 🤨 A trigger, according to Dr. @frank_andersonmd: ❤️‍🔥”A trigger is...
When we struggle with our partner, we are struggling with ourself

When we struggle with our partner, we are struggling with ourself

“When you struggle with your partner, you are struggling with yourself. Every fault you see in them touches a denied weakness in yourself. Every conflict you wage is an excuse not to face a conflict within” — The Path to Love by Deepak Chopra Oof. That is a hard pill...