Does every area of your life seem to be working, but your love life is a hot mess? Frequently I find that my coaching clients have a great circle of friends, they are high performers in their chosen careers, but their love life...
Relationships are containers where unmet needs, joys, fears, hopes, and desires are experienced. 🧩 Relationships are where we are at our best, like, when we realize that we are better together as a partnership than alone… 🧩 And our worst, like, when...
When we are in relationships, we are going to be triggered. Full stop. 🛑 It sucks, but triggers are a part of healthy relationships. Eww. So, rude. 🤨 A trigger, according to Dr. @frank_andersonmd: ❤️🔥”A trigger is...
“When you struggle with your partner, you are struggling with yourself. Every fault you see in them touches a denied weakness in yourself. Every conflict you wage is an excuse not to face a conflict within” — The Path to Love by Deepak Chopra Oof. That is a hard pill...
Knowing whether to stay or leave a relationship is a difficult decision. I have wrestled with questions of whether to “stay or go” many times. I have asked this question in employment situations, in life, and this question has been pivotal as I have examined...
Silence does not equal agreement. It may mean your partner is shut down. “Do not take her silence as tacit agreement” A counselor said that to my former partner and I as we were navigating a conflict. He was an extrovert and tended to have an “attack and defend” style...